I have been doing the two-part casting of the spider leg’s in silicone and have learnt a couple of things from the processes. First thing I had to face was the fact I had left the legs out for a bit to long with out applying a sealant, which meant that they had cracked in places. I quickly sealed and re sculpted the parts that where cracked and then sprayed them with the lacquer. I then moved on to the silicone, know I have not used silicone before but as I soon learned it is not a terrible difficult material to work with. It is as simple as adding one-part A of the silicone mixture and 1 part of B of the silicone mixture, it then begins to become like rubber within roughly 20 minutes. The other thing I learnt was how the two-part casting worked. You first make a flat surface of clay with the thing you are casting half submerged in the clay. You then make holes and nibs around the cast which will help hold the two part together like a jigsaw piece. then Put up some sort of wall around it to hold the silicone in. Once the silicone has been poured to the top of the walls and it has dried, you remove the walls and clay. Flip it over while leaving the thing your casting in place and pour another batch of silicone on that side with walls around it like before. You can also spray a release agent of some sort to help pull the two parts away from each other. The first leg I did was not the best in terms of efficiency. It worked perfectly fine however there was a lot of excess space that the silicone filled up that I perhaps could of not of casted at all. So, with the next one I made it more slimer and to the shape of the leg. Another thing I realized was that I only needed to cast one side of the first two legs as they could simple be doubled in the cast for both sides. The front two mandibles however did need to be casted as they had dimensions that made them only for the left and right part of the face. Overall, I am not sure if these cast are perfect but for my first attempt and what Ill need from them there not so bad.
